6th International Scientific Conference on Physics and Control

San Luis Potosí, México. August 26th-29th, 2013

Conference Program[PDFs]Here

Invited Sessions Registered To Date:

Invited Session Title: Organizers
Chaotic and Complex Dynamics And Applications Jesús M. Seoane and Elbert E. N. Macau
Control of Complex Systems, Networks and Self-Organization Aziz-Alaoui M.A. and Bertelle C.
Control and Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications M. Isabel García-Planas and J. L. Domínguez-Garcia
Synchronization On Complex Systems And Networks J. Gonzalo Barajas-Ramirez
Mechanics, dynamical systems and control: theory and applications F. Monroy-Pérez and C. Romero Melendez
Analysis and Control of Bioprocesses R. Femat

Note: Papers from Minisymposiums and Invited Sessions will be peer-reviewed on the same scientific basis as regular papers.