

Materiales Avanzados


Datos Curriculares

Datos Curriculares

Dr. Haret - Codratian Rosu _

Investigador Titular "C"

Integrante del SNI. Nivel 3

División de Materiales Avanzados



+52 (444) EXT. 7269




+52 (444) 8342000

Selección de artículos in extenso en memorias de congreso

1.-JS Murguia,HC Rosu,JE Perez-Terrazas,M. Mejia-Carlos "Multifractal analysis of time series from cellular automata by means of the wavelet transform" en 3-a Reunion Nacional de Caos, Sistemas Complejos y Series de Tiempo. . BUAP Revista Mexicana de Fisica S 58(1), 84-90 (2012) Puebla, México. June 2012

2.-M.A. Reyes,J.S. Garcia-Diaz,G. Moreno-Lopez,HC Rosu "La Fisica de Riccati" en 7mo. Foro de Investigación y Vinculación de la Universidad de Guanajuato. . UGTO Memorias del 7mo. Foro de Investigación y Vinculación de la Universidad de Guanajuato, pp. 1-8 Guanajuato, México. March 2012

3.-HC Rosu, KV Khmelnytskaya "Inhomogeneous barotropic FRW cosmologies with constant-shifted conformal Hubble parameters " en First International LeCosPA Symposium. . LeCosPA, NTU P. Chen, World Scientific Taipei, Taiwan. February 2012

4.-H C Rosu, K.V. Khmelnytskaya "Darboux-related periodic Sturm-Liouville problems of harmonic oscillator type and some applications" en Waves in Science and Enginering. . ESIME-IPN y Cinvestav Ciudad de Mexico, México. October 2009

5.-K.V. Khmelnytskaya, H.C. Rosu "Band structure property of some 1D periodic problems" en International workshop on operator theory and its applications (IWOTA). . Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 220, 153-162 (2012) Guanajuato, Gto, México. September 2009

6.-V. Ibarra-Junquera, L.A. Torres, P. Escalante-Minakata, H. Rosu "Two scales of biochemical reactions: gene regulation networks and bioreactors" en IV Intern. Congress XV National Congress of Biochemical Eng.. . Colegio Mex. de Ingenieros bioquimicos, A.C. Colegio Mex. de Ingenieros Bioquimicos, A.C., en CD Morelia, Mich., Mx, México. April 2006

7.-M. Planat, H.C. Rosu "Quantum phase uncertainty in mutually unbiased measurements and Gauss sums" en Proc. SPIE 5842: Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics III. . SPIE P.R. Hemmer, J.R. Gea-Banacloche, P. Heszler, Sr., M. Suhail Zubairy, SPIE Vol. 5842, pp. 183-193 Austin, Texas, E.U.A.. May 2005

8.-H.C. Rosu, M. Planat, M. Saniga "MUBs: From finite projective geometry to quantum phase enciphering " en Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing. . AIP S.M. Barnett et al, AIP Conf. Proc. 734, 315-318 (2004) Glasgow, United Kingdom, Inglaterra. July 2004

9.-M. Planat, H. Rosu "Quantum phase locking, cyclotomy and Ramanujan sums" en 8th Int. Conf. on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations. . INAOE-Puebla, UNAM H. Moya-Cessa et al., Rinton Press, ISBN 1-58949-040-1, pp 320-327 (Rinton, 2003) Puebla, México. June 2003

10.-Rosu H. "Darboux transformations in Thermodynamics." en The 1st Intern. Conf. on Quantum Limits to the Second Law.. . AIP AIP Conf. Proc. 643, 471-475 (AIP, 2002) San Diego, California., E.U.A.. July 2002
