

Biología Molecular


Datos Curriculares

Datos Curriculares

Dra. Irene Beatriz Castaño Navarro

Investigadora Titular "C"

Integrante del SNI. Nivel 2

División de Biología Molecular



+52 (444) 8342010




+52 (444) 8342000

Selección de capítulos

Como coautor

1.-Irene Castaño, Alejandro De Las Peñas and Brendan P. Cormack Function an regulation of adhesin gene families in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans and Ca,Molecular Principles of Fungal Pathogenesis, ASM Press ,ISBN 1-55581-368-2, ·E.U.A.· ,2006

2.-Alejandro De Las Peñas, Emmanuel Orta-Zavalza, Verónica Martínez-Jiménez and Irene Castaño Chapter 6. Adherence, virulence and cell wall proteins of Candida glabrata,The fungal cell wall, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ,ISBN 978-1-62618-266-0, ·E.U.A.· ,2013

3.-Alejandro Juárez-Reyes, Alejandro De Las Peñas and Irene Castaño Analysis of Subtelomeric Silencing in Candida glabrata,Yeast Genetic Networks. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press ,Pp. 305.ISBN 978-1-61779-085-0, ·E.U.A.· ,2011

4.-A. Bayón, S. Solano, B Antón, I. Castaño y D. Pontones Push-pull perfusion studies on the in vivo release of proteins, enzymes and neuroactive peptides-enk,In: In vivo perfusion and release of neuroactive substances, Academic Press, Inc ,Pp. 69-93.ISBN 012-083350-6, ·México· ,1985
